Team manual

Venue:AK Olomouc, 17. listopadu 3, Olomouc
Date:July 5th-6th 2024
Head of LOC:Pavel Vrzala
Technical director:Drahoslav Dočkal
Competition secretary:Vendula Šebečková
Chief referee:

will be published

Competition office:Jiří Novotný
Classification:national only
International TO:will be published

Deadline for sending entries is May 31stApplications have been closed.

We cannot guarantee accomodation for entries received after the deadline. Only official entry file, fully completed in all sheets, will be accepted.
Accommodation is reserved from July 3rd – 7th, any request for earlier accommodation or later departure should be made known with entries.

Preliminary timetable.
The days of each discipline should be unchanged, but please note that discipline times are subject to change.

NEW !!! Athletes U17 and U20 are welcome and will compete and be awarded separately from adults classes.

Conditions for participation:
Participants have to be entered for the competition in time, prior to the deadline. Athletes allowed in classes T/F10-20-30-40-50-60-70.

Participation for athletes will be 40 EUR - PAYMENT BY BANK ONLY (competition fee, local transport, drinks during the competition and use of sports facilities included).


  • Student’s hostel accommodation – cca 70 EUR per person and night (full board).
  • Hotel accommodation – cca 90 EUR per person and night (full board).

An invoice will be issued as soon as the entry form is received.

Bank account (EUR):
Fio banka
Acconout number: 2701887467/2010
IBAN: CZ59 2010 0000 0027 0188 7467
Beneficiary: Atletický klub Olomouc z.s.

Team manager or competitor will submit:

  • Confirmation about participation fees transfer,
  • IPC classification card,
  • Copy of entry form.

National only

Technical Meeting:
Time and place for the technical meeting 5.7.2024 at the athletics stadium, more information in Bulletin. For team managers or athletes it will be the last chance for time schedule as well as start list changes.

WPA athletics rules.


All events in case of interest at least 2 athletes. Medals to be provided only for events with at least 3 athletes. Athletes allowed in classes T/F10-20-30-40-50-60-70.

Have to be submitted to the Competition Office written on the official form with a deposit of CZK 500,- (EUR 20,00) within 30 minutes after the official results announcement.

Transfer from and to airport will be is possible, the price is determined by the number of people, mode of transport and place of arrival: Prague airport (Brno airport, Ostrava airport). Price by transport from the airport will be EUR 50-100/person.
Olomouc stadium/hotel transfer and return will be free.

All participants have the duty to observe safety regulations and other regulations of the organizer. The organizer reserves the right to make changes in the schedule.

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